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Application 1: Parking
123Grid is the only permeable paver specifically designed for commercial and industrial grade parking lots. Built for heavy loads and high traffic, 123Grid permeable paving surfaces provide a strong, durable and stable surface that will out perform and outlast traditional paving methods.
123Grid incredible vertical compression strength and robust interlocks protect your surface from rutting, erosion

Application 2 : Garden
123Grid is perfect for reinforcing grass surfaced areas that are prone to rutting and becoming muddy in wet weather. 123Grid acts as a perfect gravel retention system, which not only allows for a free-draining reinforced road or driveway for a surface which keeps the angular stones within the its plastic cells which ensures less gravel is displaced.
Increase storm water capacity with 123Grid and reduce or eliminate inefficient detention ponds. 123Grid acts like a sponge to absorb and detain water and reduce flooding.

Application 3 : Mine Simple Road
123Grid eliminates the ongoing expense of road maintenance crews and machinery and provide a safe and durable surface.
123Grid temperature range is -58F to 194F and the flex joints design works well with freeze-thaw cycles and seasonal soil movement.
Impermeable surfaces, like asphalt and concrete, succumb to breaking down over a short period of time. Maintenance of these surfaces will also be quite costly over time. for a sustainable long-term result,

Application 4 : Forest Road
123Grid allows you to build attractive driveways with decorative pebbles by stabilising the fill so that it does not migrate, even in areas subject to constant traffic or repeat wheel tracking and turning. The product is also effective in ensuring that different fills do not mix together, erode or wash away. 123Grid is easily laid without framework and the grids do not crack or separate over time like concrete, bitumen or paving.

Application: Power Tower Pavement
123Grid is geosynthetic material used to reinforce soils and similar materials. 123Grid are commonly used to reinforce retaining walls, as well as subbases or subsoils below roads or structures. Soils pull apart under tension. Compared to soil, 123Grid are strong in tension. This fact allows them to transfer forces to a larger area of soil than would otherwise be the case.

Application 6: Public Works
It is the only permeable paver with the compressive and tensile strength, as well as, the balance of rigidity and flexibility to handle commercial vehicle traffic while creating an underground detention area for water to flow into.
Structured grass overflow parking can lower environmental impact and add quite the curb appeal to your home or business! Reinforcing your grass pathways and parking will prevent the build up of mud, standing water, and storm water runoff.

Application 7 Horse Floor
123 Grid is a good solution for horser stable flooring. It can make you permanently retire from paddock improvement career, and forever forget the ‘spread 6-12 inches of gravel and replace regularly’ system.
It is important to eliminate mud and drainage problems for our horses to prevent moisture related diseases and skin issues.

Application 8 Golf Area
123Grid is perfect for stabilizing golf cart tracks and pathways, protecting them from becoming boggy, or being eroded away.
Due to heavy rainfall and poor drainage, paddocks and riding areas are ultimately prone to the build up of mud. 123Grid permeable paves, this ranch will now be free of mud and standing water while lowering environmental impact!

Application 9 Planting Grass
123Grid is perfect for reinforcing grass surfaced areas that are prone to rutting and becoming muddy in wet weather. 123Grid acts as a perfect gravel retention system, which not only allows for a free-draining reinforced road or driveway for a surface which keeps the angular stones within the its plastic cells which ensures less gravel is displaced.
123Grid will eliminate trenching, bogging, and a gross aftermath of trying to park this RV in the overflow parking! Green grass, permeable, and stabilized surfaces will keep this property looking great

Application 10 Bitumen Reinforcement
One of the core purposes of 123 Grids is to control and prevent the shifting of aggregate fill, which serves to transmit the applied load directly into the base thus utilizing the full compressive strength of the natural aggregate stone and allowing for high load capacities e.g., vehicular driveways and pathways.
An advantage that is unique to the 123 grid system is its ability to control significantly the migration of bitumen reinforcement.